Can AI companions fight the loneliness senior Canadians face?

Elderly people in Canada are getting lonelier. Recent advancements in generative AI could solve this.

Krishiv Thakuria
9 min readDec 25, 2023


Image by cottonbro studio at

Loneliness can be worse for your health than smoking 15 cigarettes a day, according to medical research.

You’ll understand why soon.

Elderly people in Canada are facing higher rates of loneliness and social isolation. This is true in countries outside of Canada too. If you’re under the age of 65, you might not care. But there are 2 truths you should consider:

Truth 1: we will all grow old, and might eventually feel lonely, too.

Truth 2: although we will all grow old, loneliness doesn’t have to be an inevitable part of aging.

We can build tools to fight loneliness. Recent strides in generative AI pose as opportunities to give all elderly people something everyone deserves: companionship.

In this article, you’ll deeply understand the problem of loneliness for elderly people (using Canada as a case study), its impacts, how companionship helps, and how we can use AI to revolutionize companionship.

Canada’s elderly people are…



Krishiv Thakuria

Writing stories made with love about the world of AI and business. Twitter: @KrishivThakuria