Aceflow Master Plan — Generative AI to Democratize Education

How we’re building an affordable AI tutor available 24/7, trained on any student’s school curriculum.

Krishiv Thakuria
3 min readMay 13, 2023
Photo by Emily Ranquist via Pexels

Private tutoring is the world’s biggest scam.

Not because it hurts the students who get it, but because it hurts the students who don’t.

With the cost of private tutoring in Canada ranging between $30-$90/hour, its absurd expensiveness has only widened the achievement gap between the rich and the poor.

As a student myself, I’ve seen the impact this has on other students at my school and knew I had to do something.

That’s why I founded Aceflow — we’re fighting educational inequity by building an affordable AI tutor web app available 24/7, trained on any student’s school curriculum.

Harnessing the power of GPT, Aceflow is actively developing affordable sofwtare to democratize education, and eliminate global educational inequity.

Our first step was launching Feedback AI — an AI English tutor chrome extension that generates instant feedback for students’ essays — 100% for free.

In only 2 weeks, we’ve reached 100+ users without any paid marketing or promotion.



Krishiv Thakuria

Writing stories made with love about the world of AI and business. Twitter: @KrishivThakuria